Some of you may be wondering what I will be doing as far as ministry goes in Germany.
Here is a quote straight from the website of the school I will be working at:
"University students from around the world are invited to come and share in cross-cultural living, encourage other art students, and learn how to use their art and faith to impact the world for Christ."
God has given me a passion for art and I am excited to be able to use it this summer as I am learning new techniques and art forms and how I can use those to impact his kingdom.
God works with each and every person's talents and gifts and I am excited that He is meeting me where I am at and using the passion that He has instilled in me!
I am hoping that this summer will help give me a clearer picture of what God wants me to do with my life as far as ministry and how I can glorify Him with what He's given to me.
Please feel free to visit their site: